Tuesday, June 15, 2004

I started blogging on March 18, 2004.  I had just gotten broadband installed and was experimenting with my new version of AOL on my new computer.  It was awesome, the connection was super-sonic fast, and I could leave the internet on all day long without tying up the phone line.  This was the start of a new passion!

With my new capabilities I began to investigate the AOL toolbar, which was off limits with my old computer.  Journals... never heard of them before but I clicked on the keyword and poof, there it was... the AOL Journals Welcome screen.  It listed the Editor's Picks, and I clicked on them.  That week's journals were kind of foofy, all financial, technical hoo-haa but the idea of a journal was tittilating.  My next stop... message boards.  I clicked on computer help, where I had posted eons ago.... and found a link for a journal message board.  I clicked on it and found a bunch of messages fussing about the Editor's Picks.  I also found a bunch of messages that started with... 'Read my journal',   I clicked on the provided links and was transported into another world.  It was like satellite tv, there were millions of them out there, and everyone was different.  I was like a kid in a candy store!  So many stories, funny ones, sad ones, happy ones about families, angry ones about ex's and politicians.  It didn't take me too long to decided... I wanted one too!

So I clicked on the link to start one of my own and started typing.  At the time I had no idea what I wanted my story to be about, I just wanted to write, so I wrote.  http://journals.aol.com/dornbrau/DUSTBUNNYCLUBOFNORTHAMERICA/entries/95Then I went to the message board and quietly pleaded for complete strangers to read my journal.  I started reading other journals from links left on the message board, but didn't start getting readers until I learned to link my journal to my signature which was left every time I left a message on the message board. 

3 months later I am totally hooked.  I currently have 4 journals, two of which I add entries almost daily.  I no longer have time to read books, I read journals instead.  I listen to the news, then log on so I can get real opinions on my favorite journals and message boards.  My husband barely glanced on my feature photo on the Welcome screen, and scrolled quickly down the first page of my journal without comment, but thats okay because I have many other appreciative readers who even take time out to leave a comment.  Actually, come to think of it, it probably would not have been a good thing for him to read all of my journal, he might not have appreciated my portrayal of himself.  Oh well, if he has problems with it he can either leave a comment, or get his own journal!  This is my story and I'm sticking to it!


Anonymous said...

this place we cal J-land is most deifnately easy to get hooked on. My brother is constantly picking on me because of it, lol

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah my j land freinds are my family .
HI MY NAME IS LORI AND I AM A BLOGAHOLIC! Thank you for telling your story. I have been  hooked on blogs since I started mine back in July of 03 as a way to deal with the greif of my grandmothers impending death. She died in August 03 and my jland friends have been what has gotten me thru. Lori

Anonymous said...

My son said i had become a puter nerd...lol I told him i can have more fun for 23.90 a month that he could with a 1000.00 a month. And thats the truth. :)

Anonymous said...

my story is somewhat similar-- only been blogging a little over 2 months, hard to believe. Don't have braodband so my phoneline is scarily busy a lot. oops. Have you ever looked at the blogs of people (on other blog sites) who have been doing it since 2002 or so... we are late to the party!  --Albert

Anonymous said...

Oh My God at 14 years old I think I have and addiction to blogging i havent lived long enough I dont know what to do... I spend longer typing and picking out pictures everyday than watching TV.. HELP


Anonymous said...

4!  There's a fourth journal out there and I haven't read it?  I'm hurt.

Just joking.

I guess I can let you have ONE journal that I don't put my nose in... but just the one okay?


Anonymous said...

I laughed when I read that you wrote that your husband would kill you if he knew that you had started another journal. I started my journal on March 20, 2003 (2 days after you), and got hooked quickly too. I started another one about a month ago , (Dark Side of the Moon) but I made it private this morning because I got spooked after reading about the copy catters on the message board, and I didn't want my creativity compromised. I finally told my husband last night that I have a journal (didn't say that I had two). He went nuts, as expected. If he read mine, he'd kill me, although I've been kinder to him in mine then you have been to your hubby in yours! (LOL) I have found it very good therapy for what ails me and it doesn't give me as much of a headache as 3 glasses of chardonnay usually do. But I sure wish I had the nerve to write the true rot that really goes on in my life, My journal has been pretty censored thus far, (by me), and after my grizzly bear's reaction last night, I'm afraid to even add a new entry!
Crap! I need courage , my fellow addict, courage!


Anonymous said...

I am on dial up and my phone is busy for hours and hours and hours.  Oh, well, who needs "real" people in their lives when we have bloggers in ours.  lol


Anonymous said...

I am up to 3 journals and love it.....love yours too it's great oh and I can relate to what you are saying!

