Monday, November 17, 2008


What a life, sitting in front of a computer making up words for the 'word verification' test. Have you ever really looked at the words? There is probably some disgruntled illegal alien from Pluto; who is mad because Earth downgraded Pluto from a planet to a star; typing up those seemingly meaningless words which are actually some kind of intergalactic communication that will bring on the 405th Galactic War of 2008. (Most attacks are mistaken as meteor showers or falling space trash and either burn up upon entry into the Earth's atmosphere or fall harmlessly into the ocean.)
But yeah, I want that job, just sitting in a little room, typing up nonsensical words and pretending that they have some intelligent meaning. And, sometimes when I'm feeling dangerous, I'll throw in an upper case... or maybe a number that looks like a letter, just to throw off those sneaky spammers, and really screw with those people who don't do well with tests and can never pass the word verification test the first time 'round. (like myself! grrrrrrrrrr!)
Yeah, I want that job!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Gone like yesterday.

True to their word, AOL pulled the plug on the Journals this morning. All links lead back to the People Connection Page, with is full of dead links that circle back by default. And my blogs, all safely transferred to Blogger, are full of little boxes with red X's where photos stored on my ftp once appeared. Fortunately I have all of the files on my hard drive and I can find out the name of the files by clicking on the X's but matching the files and uploading them to the corresponding posts will be mega-time consuming. Thanks AOL, thanks a whole fricken lot!
Oh well, at least the blogs themselves were saved without any problem. I still can't find myself feeling appreciative for AOL's assistance in making it all possible. Grrrrrrrrrr!

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Comment

I wait, I listen breathlessly.
I can almost hear the sound
Of someone reading.
Is it real or imagined,
The tentative tap, tap, tapping
Of somebody typing.
I pounce on the mouse
And it clicks in protest
But a page opens up.
I read and I smile.
Or I flush with rage.
Either way its addictive,
The rush that I get
From a comment.

Blogger since 03/2004
