Monday, July 26, 2004


Last night my husband told the kids they were to turn off the computer and the video game system because they were playing too much.  He wanted them to do something a little more social with the family, like watch tv.?  I'm serious folks, that was his suggestion.  "You spend too much time on those games, I want you to do something with the family, like watch tv or something!"  Okay, I was good and made no remark but inside I was thinking 'yeah, thats a great alternative, lets watch tv before our brains turn to mush!'

So we go down and watch one of my favorite movies 'Tremors' (don't roll your eyes at me, thats a great movie!  Nothing like a big people-eatting-prehistoric-subterrainian-alien-wormmonster called a grabboid to bring a family together for a little quality family time!)  At the end of the movie my 2nd oldest boy asked me to go with him upstairs, and there he proudly displayed a high score for a game on the computer.  I don't pay much attention to the score because... wasn't he just told that there were to be no more games played?

"I know, I just kind of fell on the computer and had to play" he said. Okay, thats a good one, he 'fell' on the computer, and I suppose he 'accidently' hit the power button and it was an uncontrollable twitch that clicked the mouse on the game icon.  Okay, I didn't buy it, but I think I'll keep that excuse in my memory banks, just in case I get desperate.


Anonymous said...

Well you have to admit it was creative thinking on his

Anonymous said...

EYah I like tremmors too. But watch tv thats hilarious LOL Lori

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very creative! LOLLLLLOL


Anonymous said...

Just stumbled across your journal and must say that I truly love it. Will be one of your lurkers in the future!
From a fellow blogging addict (Im up to 3 so far and about to create a 4th!)
Take care :) ~Christy
