Sunday, October 10, 2004

HAPPY DISCOVER'ERS DAY (or what ever they call it now days)

One nice thing about blogging is that there is almost always something to celebrate in J-Land that requires a special entry.  So, Happy Discoverers Day (is discoverer even a word?) to everyone out there, especially to the poor souls like myself who have to work while the rest of the country is BBQing and relaxing at home.

Special thanks to Mahuffers and for the graphics


Anonymous said...

OH gee whiz I hate that the banks are closed and post office. too. UGH I need to do things on monday LOL Lori

Anonymous said...

discoverers day? what next????
lol Jay x

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the comment on my blog. Anyway, while you worked, I had school. They took another day away from everyone. What next? Pretty soon we will all be working or having school every day of the week. 365 days of the year, sometimes 366..ehh, lets not think of that..Anyway. keep on blogging!! read ya later.

Anonymous said...

Ya know I don't get why we say Columbus discovered America..A person can't discover something that is already found.  What really happened in my opinion is that he got lost, stumbled upon a land rich in natural resources and land and then Columbus ran back home to get help plundering it and destroying the natural inhabitants of it.  I've always instructed my childrent to correct their American History teachers in this regard, if the teachers don't like my opinion then they shouldn't call to complain...I am much louder and way more self righteous than they are! LOL.

Enough of my rant....

I do like the idea of a day for discoverers...just not Columbus

Anonymous said...

you can't discover something when someone is already there... and columbus never did make it all the way to mainland america did he?
