I know now that I am in the final stages of 'author-writus', or BS, bloggers syndrome. My free waking moments are spent infront of the computer, even as my morning coffee is brewing, most times before my first visit to the bathroom. I've got highspeed internet, but its too slow. I have a huge crush on the 'You've got mail' guy, I quiver when I hear him late at night when the rest of the house is asleep. My social life is a .com. My sister calls and asks how I am, I send her the link to my journal. My house is a mess, but only until I can find a compatible reformat program. The kids are good lately and haven't been leaving whiney comments on my journal. I think my husband really believes I'm having cyber-sex or some kind of online affair. He'd probably be disappointed to discover that I'm just writing in my journal. If he were to actually READ my journal, I'd probably be in all kinds of trouble for calling him a Dickidoo! Oh well, such is my .com life!
You know, these entries are so funny, you might be able to get them published as articles for your local paper or something. Maybe even put together a book. :)
HELLO dickie dooooo LOL Yeah cyber sex . Yup thats it the blog has taken that place. Lori
I always know I could come here and have a good laugh...I think I enjoy you so much b/c everything you say I too can relate too....I have a .com life myself!
my husband won't read my journal online, he makes me print out copies.....
maybe it's time for a 12 step program....... ;-)
I just thought you'd like to see this animation; it sort of relates to what your talking about here. It does take a few minutes to load up though.
I just thought you'd like to see this animation; it sort of relates to what your talking about here. It does take a few minutes to load up though.
Okay,... I'm caught up on this one... read all the way to the bottom... Guess what.. there was a peepee entry... You just can't help yourself can you.
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