Monday, August 2, 2004


How many of you eat at your computer and I don't mean snacking.  I'm talking all out meals.  I'm talking breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner!  I ask as I sit here with a plate of waffles perched precariously on a stack of cd cases next to the monitor, a large glass of milk to the left of the keyboard, and my coffee cup... missing in action!

Except for weekends, breakfast is an 'every man for himself' meal. Most of the time I'm running late and therefore don't have time for breakfast, but when I do, its usually consumed right here by the light of my monitor.  My lunch break at work is long after the kids at home eat, so I drive home just to make sure they have eatten and not burned the house down.  My lunch, if I have one, is also spent infront of the computer as I check my email.

Dinner, or supper as I like to call it, is our family time, when we sit down together at the table to eat and talk about the day's events.  But every now and then, like on nights when 'he's' at class, I sit the kids infront of the tv with their supper and I go into the computer room and eat my meal by the light of my monitor.  It helps me to digest, really it does!


Anonymous said...

Yes dinner is OUR family time. we use to eat separatly but now we make it a rule during the week. WE eat togther as a family and yeah we find out alot of stuff and alot of sillyneess happens. But I do find my mind wandering to the blogs during that time. Guesss what you all are the talk of the table at dinner just like family you are talked about and everyone knows you all. Lori

Anonymous said...

Well, of course, I eat at the computer. I just finished breakfast while blogging--I have the day off work. :)

Anonymous said...

Don't feel that you are alone on this!  Look at it this way, you're having meals with the J-Land family!
Take care, and have a good day,

Anonymous said...

Ah yes...meals by the PC. Do it all the time! LOL -B

Anonymous said...

"Whatdaya' mean?? As I rearrange my coffeecup on top of my computer books...

