Wednesday, April 20, 2005

SPELL CHECK, or 'the beauty of poor grammar'.

I've begun the tedious task of archiving my journals in light of the resent TOS epidemic that is sweeping through J-land.  I'm cutting and pasting my entries onto Word, which unlike AOL Journals has a built in spell check.  Oh buddy!  My entries are lit up like a Christmas tree!  There are red and green squiggly lines all over the pages!  I can't possibly be that bad!  Heck, it looks that the spell check just gave up and underlined everything, changing color for a little variety.  It would almost be pretty if it wasn't so embarassing!


Anonymous said...

The green is the grammar check, so your spelling and grammar are being taken to task by Word. ;)

Anonymous said...

spell check is the best - but when i'm writing in word, i keep having to stop right at the moment the squigglies appear cause i just can't stand knowing the typo/misspelling is there.

how ya doin?
